
Friday, September 7, 2012

Words Among Tears - 2

Friday, March 20, 2007

What's it like for them? Waiting anxiously through the week, jumping for joy when Friday finally arrives? There's always something that they're looking forward to. Children, siblings, parents... boyfriend. 
It must be nice to be one of them....

I read the lines over and over again. I still remember how Triste always looks different on Fridays. Her expression is in full contrast with our other workmates. They were always full of energy on Friday, especially in the afternoon, a few hours away from a long weekend. But Triste, no... she never joins them. She would sit gloomily in front of her computer, editing those words in silent.

"I'm going to this new cafe opening tonight. Care to join me?" I asked.
"No. No, thanks. I've got tons of work to do, really." Answered Triste.
"Come on... it's Friday."
"Why does Friday have to be different with any other day?" She looked at me with an undefinable look in her eyes.
"Uhm... OK then." I got speechless.

After several times of fruitless effort in getting her to join the fun, me and the other workmates finally decided to stop asking her out at all. We thought we did the right thing, but after reading the next few pages of her diary, we knew we were dead wrong....