
Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Regret comes to haunt me. I backed down from it, not having the courage to start, to even try. Regret comes to haunt me. Questions asked: 'What may happen if I take the chance?' 'What could possibly go wrong if I didn't freaked out?' 'What would've happen?'... On and on and on it goes, unanswered. It's a cowardly act, yes, I am well aware of that. Forcing myself to take the chance, coz I'll never knew if I never try, then freaking out on the very last second... And then, the only time I ever did it, it crumbled, fell apart, shattered. I start going back to where I started, full of doubts, fear, and forever second-guessing myself, my point of view, my opinion, and my choices. Life is complicated, but it's not supposed to be this difficult... Or is it?
Regret comes to haunt me. When I finally did what I did on an impulse. And look where it took me....

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